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H&M to phase out new down fiber

H&M to phase out new down fiber

In 2021, H&M and PETA collaborated to advertise a vegan collection made with alternative products called Co-exist Story. That collection consisted of a down alternate, called FLWRDWN, made from wildflowers.

The news adheres to a campaign by Individuals for the Honest Therapy of Animals, or PETA, contacting customers to stay clear of anything made with down. It furthermore implicated both H&M and Void of stealthily making use of a “Liable Down Requirement” label on items.

A design uses a garment from H&M’s 2021 Co-Exist Plot, a collection that consists of completely vegan garments. H&M just recently devoted to getting rid of making use of virgin down in its products.
Courtesy of H&M

By the end of 2025, H&M prepares to only make use of down and plumes from post-consumer recycled sources. To day, the rapid style firm estimates that regarding 90% of down and plumes in its items currently come from such resources.

“H&M’s choice is a lifesaving win for ducks and geese and a major first step towards a remarkable animal-free future,” Tracy Reiman, PETA Exec Vice President, stated in a press release sent out to Style Dive. “PETA is celebrating the exceptional example of activity by H&M and prompts sellers anywhere to follow its lead and stop bankrolling the terrible down industry.”

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5 wears a garment